Apr 242013
Ada the goldfish in her bouyancy harness

Ada’s owner posted a video of a unique solution to swim bladder dysfunction a couple of years ago. This week it’s popping up all over the internet after American newscasters picked up the story.

Swim bladder disease in aquarium fish can be the result of a variety of infections, poor water quality and/or dietry issues. Some fish can recover if the source of the problem is remedied quickly enough, however damage to the swim bladder can be permanent – rendering the fish unable to control its position in the water column (either floating upside-down or sinking to the bottom). Fancy (inbred) breeds tend to be more prone to swim bladder issues than wild types. While fish can survive swim bladder damage, for those that sink being in constant contact with the floor of the aquarium can lead to other health issues and can lead to the afflicted fish missing mealtimes as able-bodied tank-mates get to the food first.

To give Ada a fighting chance her owner constructed a buoyancy device from airline and fittings that gives her mobility throughout the aquarium.

View the story on YouTube.

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