ANGFA sites and groups


ANGFA National

ANGFA was formed in 1982 by a group of hobbyists whose interests were in the conservation, keeping, breeding and studying of the fishes of Sahul – pronounced Sa-hule. This name refers to the Australian land mass up to about 10,000 years ago when land bridges existed between Australia, Tasmania and New Guinea.

The principal aim of the group was to publish a journal called “Fishes of Sahul”, the main vehicle of information on native fishes for members – which would also be of interest to serious aquarists and scientists alike. Many volumes later “Fishes of Sahul” is now eagerly awaited by its readers.

Much of what ANGFA is would not be possible without key supporters who have devoted themselves to the hobby and the club.

ANGFA National

ANGFA New South Wales

Membership to ANGFA NSW gives you 6 issues each year of ‘Rivus’, our bi-monthly newsletter containing articles on native fish, branch activities and upcoming events. You are also entitled to attend meetings & field trips.


ANGFA Victoria

ANGFA Vic contributes to ANGFA through sharing our knowledge and resources with regular meetings and presentations, survey trips to local waterways and our trading table. We are especially proud of efforts of some dedicated members with the conversation of a Galaxia pusilla habitat (the Galaxia pusilla project). ANGFA Vic holds field trips every second month, generally the second weekend after a meeting. These trips are a chance for the members to get out around Melbourne with their nets and see what lives in our local waterways as well as getting to know each other better.

ANGFA Victoria

ANGFA Western Australia

ANGFA WA is home to the Western Australian branch of ANGFA, dedicated to the keeping, cultivation and conservation of fishes and plants that are endemic to Australia and New Guinea.

Native fish species face growing pressure in their native habitats from urban development, social impacts, environmental degradation and introduced exotic species.

We encourage our members, and members of the general public, to keep and maintain these fishes as alternatives to exotic species. They can be just as colourful as exotic species and in many cases, more so.



The South Australian Native Fish Association (SANFA) formed in 1992 as a sub-group of the S.A. Aquarium Society. At their first AGM mid 1994 the group voted to establish itself as an independent incorporated body. The club later applied to become an affiliate of the Australian New Guinea Fish Association. (ANGFA) and in late 1996 were accepted. The Club were very pleased to receive from ANGFA National a complete set of “Fishes of SAHUL” for their library & we now enjoy the benefits of being a part of ANGFA and its Regional Groups.


Gunther Schmida: Nature Shots

Gunther is an internationally recognized wildlife photographer and is passionate about the native fish of Australia and New Guinea. Gunther’s photos are often featured in publications as well as on our website and in In-Stream magazine. We have one of Gunther’s books “The Freshwater Fishes of Australia 2: Hardyheads, Rainbowfish, Blue-eyes” available for members to download for free and there are plenty more pictorials and reference works on available on Gunther’s website.


Gunther Schmida: Nature Shots

Gunther Schmida: Nature Shots

Home of the Rainbowfish

Home of the Rainbowfish is a non-profit project to promote the aquarium keeping, study and conservation of the rainbowfish species of Australia and New Guinea, and to provide free and valuable information to the general public. It all began in early 1996 as Rainbowfish On-Line ~ The Online Magazine Dedicated to the Rainbowfish Enthusiast. Each month a new page would be added to the website. The site also contained the History of the Rainbowfishes by Stefan Maebe. In late 1997Home of the Rainbowfish was created and incorporated Rainbowfish On-Line.

In January 1998 the website was selected for inclusion in the National Library of Australia digital archive of Australian online publications.

These archives can be viewed at the National Library of Australia Pandora Archives at:

Earlier versions of Rainbowfish On-Line (1998-2000) can also be viewed on the National Library of Australia website at:

Home of the Rainbowfish

Home of the Rainbowfish