Mar 302013

2013 is a special year for ANGFA Qld. We’ve come a long way since our founding members first decided to meet as regional group under the newly formed national association back in 1983. There’s been thirty years of volunteer efforts and commitment to the club; thirty years of building partnerships with and gaining the respect of other clubs, community groups, and government agencies; thirty years of promoting the hobby and the appreciation of Sahul’s magnificent fish and aquatic life; and most of all, thirty years of new friends and old mates sharing stories, experience and when all else fails, a good laugh.

This year we’re providing open access to our monthly publication, In-Stream. In-Stream is edited by internationally recognized author, rainbowfish expert, and founding member Adrian Tappin. We also have a brand new website thanks to the technical expertise of Alan Rubin, and our esteemed president Steve Baines has been putting the finishing touches on a mobile display that gives us the opportunity share our interests with the broader community.

Keep an eye out this year for some great speakers, field trips, and special events that we’ve got in the pipeline. Don’t forget 2013 is a convention year as well and it sounds like ANGFA Victoria has made great plans for us (checkout the invitation from ANGFA Victoria).

ANGFA Qld President, Steve Baines with the RNA Champion exotic fish in the grand parade. Picture: Annette Dew Source: The Courier-Mail

ANGFA Qld President, Steve Baines with the RNA Champion exotic fish in the grand parade. Picture: Annette Dew Source: The Courier-Mail

image from 2009 convention

If you’re not a member you’re welcome to have a look around and if you like what you see then maybe you’d like to join us – send an email to the membership officer for more information or use our online application form.

ANGFA Qld meets at the Bar Jai Community Hall at 7:30pm on the second Friday of even numbered months – check out our calendar for dates and times. At the meetings we have invited speakers giving presentations, a drinks stand and a shop with books, dry goods and equipment. There’s even an auction held each meeting where members sell their extra plants and fish – often one’s you won’t see anywhere else and at a fraction of the price. It’s always great to see new faces if you can make it along.

Don’t forget to check back here for updates to the site and for our monthly instalments of In-Stream.
empire gudgeon

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