May 202013

Courtesy of Zoo Med Laboratories


Pink Belly Turtle (Emydura subglobosa). Image: Turtle and Tortoise Preservation Group (TTPG).

Pink Belly Turtle (Emydura subglobosa). Image: Turtle and Tortoise Preservation Group (TTPG).

Australian Turtle Spotlight:

Pink Belly Side-neck Turtle (Emydura subglobosa)

Other Common names:
Red Bellied Side-necked Turtle, Pink Bellied Short-necked Turtle, Red Belly Short-necked Turtle, Painted Side-necked Turtle.
The Pink Belly Side-neck Turtle (Emydura subglobosa), is a beautiful, relatively small aquatic turtle from New Guinea and northern Australia. The carapace of this turtle can range from a light tan color, browns, greys, to nearly black. As indicated by the name, the plastron may be a pink, orange, or red color which does not fade as the turtle ages. There are striking yellow markings on the face which gives the turtle the appearance of wearing a mask. This species can grow up to 8-10 inches in diameter.
Behavior and Diet:
The Pink Belly Side-neck Turtle is a fully aquatic animal that will usually only leave the water to bask and to lay eggs. These turtles are excellent swimmers and feel most comfortable in or near the water. The Pink Belly is an opportunistic omnivore and will eat a large variety of foods including worms, shrimp, crustaceans, other invertebrates, greens, and fruits. In captivity, they readily take a staple diet of pelleted foods such as Zoo Med’s Natural Aquatic Turtle food and enjoy supplemental insects, worms, snails, and greens.
As Pets:
Pink Belly Side-neck Turtles have become increasingly popular in the US and can make exceptional pet turtles. Young Pink Bellies can be set up in a glass aquarium with a good quality filter, Turtle Dock, Basking, and UVB lights, and other decorations. The water should be kept between 70°-80°F (21-27°C) and the basking site should reach about 100°F (38°C). Keeping water clean is very important for the health of these aquatic turtles and use of a good filter is essential. Click here for care sheets.
Albino Pink Belly Turtle (Emydura subglobosa). Image: Turtle and Tortoise Preservation Group (TTPG).

Albino Pink Belly Turtle (Emydura subglobosa). Image: Turtle and Tortoise Preservation Group (TTPG).

Albino Pink Belly image courtesy of TTPG

Baby Pink Belly Turtles (Emydura subglobosa). Image: Zoo Med.

Baby Pink Belly Turtles (Emydura subglobosa). Image: Zoo Med.

Baby Pink Belly at Zoo Med. Hatched April 30th, 2013

Juvenile Pink Belly Turtles (Emydura subglobosa). Image: Zoo Med.

Juvenile Pink Belly Turtles

Baby Pink Bellies at Zoo Med. Hatched June 23rd, 2012

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