Original story by Rachel Sullivan, ABC
The ability of deep sea fish to plumb new depths may be constrained by biochemistry, new research by an international team has found.

This photo of hadal snailfish (Pseudoliparis amblystomopsis), snapped at 7500 metres down, is the second deepest observation of a live fish.
The research, published today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, explains why there are no known fish species below 8400 metres, despite the presence of other marine animals such as anemones, crustaceans and sea cucumbers.
Based on previous work, the researchers, led by biologist Professor Paul Yancey from Whitman College, Washington believed that the depth limits of fish were related to levels of osmolytes present in their bodies.
Osmolytes are soluble organic compounds that counteract the effects of pressure on proteins by altering water structure so that the tendency for pressure to force water molecules into the interior of cells is reduced and the cells can keep functioning.
Gelatinous texture
To test their theory, the researchers captured five specimens of the second deepest known fish, the hadal snailfish (Notoliparis kermadecensis), from a depth of 7000 metres in the Kermadec Trench to the north east of New Zealand.
“The Kermadec Trench is one of the deepest in the world, and no hadal snailfish had been caught there since the 1950s,” says Dr Ashley Rowden from the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research in Wellington, New Zealand, who was part the study team.
The fish were captured from a 28-metre boat and bringing them to the surface took more than three hours in rough seas, requiring determination and strong stomachs from those on board.
“Out of their natural environment, snail fish feel like water-filled condoms,” says Rowden. “Like other fish from the deepest hadal zone [region below 6000 metres] their gelatinous texture is an adaptation to extreme pressure (around 10Mpa or 1000 times the surface atmospheric pressure).”
“They are relatively delicate organisms and don’t survive the journey to the surface, possibly due to the pressure changes they experience as they journey up from 7000 metres below,” Rowden says.
Osmolyte levels
Once back on dry land, the researchers compared the levels of the osmolyte trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) in the hadal snailfish with that in other bony fishes from a range of bathymetric zones in the ocean.
The concentration of TMAO present in the muscle tissue of the snailfish was significantly higher than for fish living at shallower depths.
When they extrapolated their findings, the researchers found that it is unlikely that bony fish could survive below 8,200 metres, because the high concentrations of TMAO that would be required to combat the effects of pressure can also reverse cellular osmosis gradients — the difference between the salinity levels inside and outside the cells.
“Other research has shown a general increase in TMAO levels from shallow water dwellers to fish living at 5000 metres,” Rowden adds.
“The snailfish came from 2000 metres below where previous samples had been taken, and represented a big jump in TMAO levels.”
Early days
Bony fish are one of the largest animal groups on Earth and have exploited most available habitats, Rowden explains.
“There is the potential for organisms to get to every corner of the world’s environment, but the deepest oceans are yet to be colonised by bony fish.
“This research indicates that they are biochemically constrained from inhabiting the deepest parts of the ocean, but as deep-sea fish evolved only relatively recently, geologically speaking, over time they may evolve further adaptations to cope with the unique demands of the hadal environment.”
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