May 102013

Researchers from the University of Adelaide and SARDI have shown that the controlled release of water from impoundments can improving the spawning rates and fry production for Golden Perch (Macquaria ambigua ambigua). Golden Perch have been shown to breed more reliably in rivers where flow is less regulated. In this study the authors demonstrate that releases of impounded water, timed to coincide with periods of suitable water temperature can be used to facilitate breeding in downstream fish populations. Knowing when is best to release impounded water is especially important when water resources and usage become restrictive, particularly since rainfall across most of Australia is so variable.

Golden perch (Macquaria ambigua). Image: DPI VicReference:

Brenton P. Zampatti and Sandra J. Leigh (2013) Within-channel flows promote spawning and recruitment of golden perch, Macquaria ambigua ambigua – implications for environmental flow management in the River Murray, AustraliaMarine and Freshwater Research.



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