30 May – 2 June 2013
The stage is set at a brand new venue – the Sands Expo and Convention Center, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, the competition criteria revisited, new categories added and all the judges invited.
With 14 fish categories consisting of Discus, Dragon fish, Goldfish, Guppies, Tetras, Plecos, Corydoras, Gourami, Cichlids, Mollies, Swordtails, Platie, New Species/ Varieties/ New in Trade, Betta and the 4 tanks categories, namely the NEW Marine Nano Tank, Marine tank, Planted tank, Freshwater Nano Tank competition available, contenders and admirers from all over the world will be spoilt for choice!
Special mention to the latest Dragon Fish Cross Back Golden classes and the new commercial classes for Dragon Fish, Discus, Goldfish as well as Guppy that has been added to the competition categories this year too.
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