Sep 222013

ABC NewsOriginal story at ABC News

One of the largest crocodiles in captivity has gone on display at the Melbourne Aquarium.
Youngster goes face-to-face with giant crocodile. Seven-year-old Sophie Fletcher watches Pinjarra in his new enclosure at the Melbourne Aquarium. Photo: Julian Smith, AAP

Youngster goes face-to-face with giant crocodile. Seven-year-old Sophie Fletcher watches Pinjarra in his new enclosure at the Melbourne Aquarium. Photo: Julian Smith, AAP

Pinjarra is a 50-year-old saltwater crocodile weighing 750 kilograms from Queensland.

Exhibit manager, Alison Edmunds, says he was rescued from flooding and sent to a crocodile farm in Rockhampton 30 years ago.

But now he has outgrown that home.

“Well he’s got his favourite girls and he’s a very big animal and unfortunately as his size is getting bigger, he’s really outgrowing his ladies,” she said.

“He’s retired now and living here happily.”

A group of aquarium staff have been given specialist training on how to take care of the crocodile

“We’ve learnt an amazing amount of things about crocodiles and we’ve got this magnificent state-of-the art aquarium here for him to live in,” Ms Edmunds said.

“We’re going to give him the best life and the best retirement that he could ever hope for.”

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